I Want To Build A Website
Are you are looking to build a website of your own?
Do you want to create your own niche, interest or hobby website or are you are looking to create a website for a business?
You can accomplish this with relative ease these days. Websites have been simplified and there are services and platforms out there that offer “dummy proof” ways to create really professional looking sites.
So if you are looking to build a website or Blog, read on…
The Most Important Aspects of a Website
You have a website, which is your “web presence”, but then you have hosting, the place that stores your website and makes sure it serves people that visit your site, quickly and efficiently. There are some important aspects of websites that make the difference between a quality site and one that is unprofessional and lacks functionality.
1. Speed & Load Time
2. Professional Design & Look
3. Easy to Navigate
4. Uses a Content Management System
5. Has Quality content
If you can accomplish these 5 things, you will have a successful and profitable website. In order to do this, you need to be using a framework that “simplifies” this process. To do this, I definitely recommend WordPress.
WordPress, a true Content Management System (CMS)
Many of you have you will have heard of WordPress, the world’s most widely used website framework. In fact, this website was built using WordPress.
Ten years ago you had to manually code HTML and programming knowledge was essential. Thankfully things have changed over the years. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE can build a website and succeed online today. If I can, then anyone can.
The technological barriers have been completely removed because of Content Management Systems like WordPress.
Here are some benefits to using WordPress. (Though not their free version unfortunately)
Easy to install and set-up (at a click of a button at Wealthy Affiliate)
No HTML, no code, no need for advanced knowledge
Over 1,400 different website templates to choose from
One click to install over 10,000 “add on” features
Plenty of support and help within their community
As you can see, WordPress is my choice and it is the only framework I use to build my websites. Now I want to show YOU how you can get your very own WordPress website and how to build a website in the next ten minutes.
Want to build a WordPress website for FREE… NOW?
Here is a video showing you how you can get a website up and running, quickly & efficiently. In fact, this video shows you how I built a fully functional WordPress website in 30 seconds for free. Check it out here…
As I said, I can help…but you have to be willing to take action on the help I give you. If you want a website and hosting less than 5 minutes from now you are going to need to take 3 steps.
Step 2: Create a Totally Free Account…..No Credit Card Required
Step 3: YOU Get Access to A Free Website, hosting and an Entire Training Platform
And just like that, you are going to have your very own, fully functional WordPress website up and running.
Need Help with your websites?
Simply ask! If you need a hand with anything that I have discussed here, or anything else you have a challenge with, please leave a comment below or you can get in touch with me inside of Wealthy Affiliate via my profile.

My Blog Secrets
atI’m so happy I came across your post. I joined the program and it’s absolutely wonderful!! I have never seen so many video training and such a huge bloggers community that is always there to help with any questions you may have.
I really love that it’s free to join, and then I can see by myself if the program fits my needs… It’s perfect.
Thank you for sharing 🙂
Karen Noone
atThank you for your comments. Wealthy affiliates is a great community where you get back what you put in. I wish you every success.
With Grace and Gratitude
Mike Mahaffey
atHi Karen
Websites are surely easier to build than ever before, and much of that we owe to the WordPress community, but not all. Hosting platforms like WealthyAffiliate makes it even easier because beginners never have to fool with cpanel, add on domains, and all that can go with building your own website. Even though most hosting companies advertise how easy it is to start your first website with them, they can be seriously confusing. SiteRubix is one of the very few that makes the whole process happen with a click of the button, and no tech stuff to worry about when you’re starting out with your own website.
Karen Noone
atHi Mike and thanks for stopping by my site.
I totally agree with all of your points and Wealthy Affiliate and the siterubix platform is the easiest place for beginners to build their own website and learn as they go.
Wishing you the best with your online ventures.
With Grace and Gratitude
Ali Junaid
I was just dropping in a quick line to know, if I could send some great article ideas your way for a guest post at your website ?
If you like my suggested ideas, I can then provide you high-quality FREE CONTENT/ARTICLE. In return, I would expect just a favor of a backlink from within the main body of the article.
Do let me know if I can interest you with some great topic ideas?
Best Regards,
Junaid Ali Qureshi
Karen Noone
atHi Ali and thank you for you kind offer of a guest post or article in return for a backlink.
I do accept guest posts which you can put as many links to your site on but I do charge for the guest post with a backlink. If you go to my shop you can have the choice of 3 very cheap options. The cost covers my time for publishing a post.
I look forward to working with you.
With Grace and Gratitude
Ali Junaid
I was just dropping in a quick line to know, if I could send some great article ideas your way for a guest post at your website ?
If you like my suggested ideas, I can then provide you high-quality FREE CONTENT/ARTICLE. In return, I would expect just a favor of a backlink from within the main body of the article.
Do let me know if I can interest you with some great topic ideas?
Best Regards,
Junaid Ali Qureshi
Karen Noone
atHi, as you have asked so nicely I am going to say yes on this occasion. I don’t always! Send your ideas to Karen@buildingwebsitesfordummies.com and then we can have a discussion.
With Grace and Gratitude
Luke Bates
atHi Karen,
Thank you so much for your review so plain and easy to digest. You walk the talk just to make it short here.
Looking forward to any more of your post coming up.
Thanks again.
Luke Bates
Karen Noone
atHi Luke and thanks for reading.
Hoping you can also get value from my other and future posts.
With Grace and Gratitude