Freelance Web Developer Jobs To Make You Extra Money

When you have become accustomed to building websites, you may feel that beyond building your own sites that you can make a lucrative income from developing websites for others. After all, in an increasingly digitized marketplace, even the humblest of small businesses needs a website and not everyone knows how or have the time. Being a freelance web developer can be a much sought after skill.
Whatever led you to develop the skills to build a website of your very own, developing equally beautiful, responsive and UX friendly digital spaces for businesses, bloggers and individuals of all kinds can be an extremely lucrative and rewarding source of extra revenue for yourself.


Freelance Web Developer Jobs To Make You Extra Money

However, like any freelancer, web developers find that there are times when demand for their skills is abundant and times when the well runs a little dry. In either circumstance, the bills still need to be paid and your family still needs to be fed. Fortunately, in the internet age, there are a wide range of ways in which web designers and developers can make money between web developing gigs. Here I will cover 4 new ideas to try to boost your income.

Get To Know The Markets

Many people from all walks of life supplement their income with a robust and diverse portfolio of investments and find that it can buoy them in times of financial need and give them a little extra to set aside in savings when work is not as abundant as you would like. There was a time when markets like Forex, stocks and shares were mysteries known only to an elite few. In the digital age, however, virtually anyone can teach themselves everything they need to know about trading. Just check out this guide on candlestick patterns for example. With a little research and know how, you can play the markets and build yourself a safety net.


Freelance Web Developer Jobs To Make You Extra Money

Offer IT Consultancy Services

Don’t worry, you won’t be condemning yourself to a life of asking people if they have tried turning it off and on again. The first sentence every Internet or computer service asks. I bet you have been asked that question a few times. I certainly have and it always brings out my sarcastic side. I try not to be rude but really ?
However, as a tech savvy individual with a range of experience with different types of software your skills may be invaluable to the world of IT support and consultancy. You can either make contact with an established consulting firm and see if you can join them on a part-time basis, or simply build yourself a website and offer services on your own terms. There are also several sites where you can offer and advertise your services too. Fiverr is my favourite place and it is where I find many services I need to employ too. It is free to advertise and they take a small commission on any gigs they find you.
If your web development jobs are not as abundant as you would like then you might want to try advertising those on Fiverr too.

Make The Jump To SAS Programming

SAS programming is a language that is used specifically for statistical analysis. It is useful to a broad range of enterprises because of its ability to marry data from a broad range of sources such as spreadsheets and databases and present it in easy to digest formats. If you have the coding know how to master SAS this can make you eminently desirable to businesses of all shapes and sizes. Many businesses outsource their SAS needs to independent subcontractors working on a freelance basis.


Freelance Web Developer Jobs To Make You Extra Money

Build WordPress Themes

There are a plethora of reasons why independent bloggers and small to medium sized businesses alike love WordPress. It is easy for virtually anyone to pick up and start using and yet it is also incredibly versatile. Many would-be entrepreneurs, however, are desperate to find a custom WordPress theme that is specifically tailored to their brand. With your web design and development skills, creating WordPress themes for businesses and bloggers is an easy and enjoyable way to make money.

Final Thoughts

Whatever your circumstances, any of these four side hustles are a great way of making a little extra something and we all need that. These are only four of many ways that you can earn a little more as a freelance web developer. Broaden your horizons and services that you can offer other people and companies. Do your research on sites like Fiverr to see what else you might be able to offer.
Just make sure your own website comes up to scratch so people will want to use you as their go to freelance website developer and expert.
I hope you have found this post useful and given you some new ideas to make some extra cash. If you have, please give it a share on your favourite social media platform.
As ever If you have any questions or just want to share your thoughts please leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
With Grace and Gratitude
Please be aware that this post contains affiliate links which means that if you click on one and then go on to make a purchase, I will make a commission but it will not cost you any more.



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