Website Visitors, No Sales? Heres Why

Your website is getting lots of hits, but none of them are converting into leads or customers. What’s putting off your visitors from becoming customers? If you are a web based business that relies on your website to gain new business, this could be a serious problem. Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to why your visitors aren’t becoming leads. It could be due to a number of issues. Here are just several possible explanations worthy of looking into.

You’re Attracting The Wrong Type Of Visitors

It is possible that you are attracting the wrong type of people to your website. This is something that you can usually work out by using an analytics tool such as Google Analytics – this will tell where your visitors are coming from and how they reached your site. It will also show you your bounce rate which if high is a really good indication that people are turning up to your site and leaving quickly because what you offer is not for them.

Keywords are often worth looking into. If people are reaching your site via unrelated keywords, you may need to improve your SEO and PPC strategies. If you are using Google AdWords, you may want to hire a Google AdWords management agency to help you focus in, on more relevant keywords so that you are not getting visitors searching the wrong terms. If it’s more to do with keywords related to your content, you may want to simply tweak your text so that there is no misinterpretation.
You should also check that you’re not getting thousands of sudden unexplained visitors coming from a single site that you have never heard of. These sadly may not be human visitors you are getting, but simply bots and the website could be packed with viruses – so steer clear.
Website Visitors, No Sales? Heres Why

Your Website Is Loading Too Slowly

If you have noticed your website is slow, this could be a good reason as to why you are not getting leads. Visitors could be getting impatient by the slow loading time and leaving before they’ve had a chance to explore.
Lots of type of content can slow down a website such as animations, embedded media, large hi-quality photos and multiple plug-ins. Cutting down on this type of content could help your website to load faster.
It could also be a hosting server problem, in which case you may want to move to another host and server. Some companies move onto their own private hosting server as a way to get around this as shared hosting servers can sometimes be more prone to slow speeds.

Your Website’s Poor Design/Content Is Putting People Off

It could also be possible that visitors don’t like what they see once they visit your website. The content could be poor quality, there may be too many bright clashing colours or images may not be formatted properly. It could be that your website is too hard to navigate. Visitors may not be able to find your contact details for example.
Your website may even operate fine on a PC screen, but it may not be mobile friendly, resulting in text that is too small to read or links that are too small to tap. There are so many factors that can result in poor website design and they may not always be obvious to you. As a result, you are often best hiring a website designer simply to have a look over your site. If they feel you could make some big improvements, it’s likely that this was the problem.
Of course you can always use family or friends or the wealthy affiliate community like I do, to test your site on your behalf and then report back to you so you can make the changes needed.

How I Make A Living Online

I make my living online, through affiliate marketing and I have learnt everything I needed to know about building such a business through Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate is a comprehensive training platform for anyone wanting to either start an online business or build upon an existing one.
If you want to check it out for free with no credit card required click on the link below.
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Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you now feel like you have more information about problem solving your business to discover why your website is not generating more leads and Customers. It is easily fixed so don’t leave it to chance and find out why people are clicking off from your site.
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As ever if you have any questions or want to share your own thoughts or experiences, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
With Grace and Gratitude
Please be aware that this post may contain affiliate links which means that if you click on one and then make a purchase, I will earn a commission but it will not cost you any more.
Website Visitors, No Sales? Heres Why

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