What You Need For A Great Website

It does not matter what type of business you run today, you need to have a great website. This is a must. You may run a small local cake store, you may have a number of accountancy offices around the world or like me are an affiliate marketer. No matter the case, you must have a strong online presence, and this always begins with an effective website.
However, a lot of people are still going very wrong with their websites, and this is because they do not really know the difference between a good site and a bad one. After all, merely having a site is not enough, you need to make sure it is designed and developed properly. Read on to discover more about some of the different ingredients for what you need for a great website.

Quick Loading Speeds

There is only one place to begin, and this is with quick loading speeds. If your website is slow, people are simply going to click off and go to a site that loads quick enough for them. After all, the Internet is supposed to be about convenience, and so if you do not provide people with this convenience, they are not going to wait around for you.
In fact, there have been a number of different studies that have indicated that the longer your website takes to load, the higher the bounce rate. Every second makes a difference. So, look for different ways to speed up your site, for example, compressing your images.
Google can help you with this too. Make sure you have Google Analytics and Webmaster tools installed on your website. If you don’t, please take a read of my post for an easy solution to get it installed right away.

Great Web Design

What You Need For A Great Website
Your website design needs to impress as well. But what makes a great website design? Well, it needs to make a positive impression from the very first glance. Keep your target reader in mind when designing too. What I might like, another human being with different circumstances and needs will not.
You need to make sure that navigation is easy. People should not have to think twice when it comes to using your site. You should also have a minimalistic approach for the greatest effect. White space is not the enemy. In fact, it should be viewed as a breathing space between all of the main elements of the page.
Images are also a great alternative to the white space. A sea of words will just drown your reader.

Good Hosting Provider

You also need to make sure you choose a good hosting provider. There are many different hosting options for website owners today, so take the time to assess all of your options carefully. Your choice is going to have an impact on a number of different elements relating to your website. This includes everything from how quickly your website loads to your security levels.
Free may seem like a good idea when you are starting out but in the long run you are buying yourself an expensive headache when you need more than a free basic site with all of its limitations. Swapping hosting providers is possible and sometimes easy but often the free site will actually own your work and not allow for a direct transfer.
My best advice is to start as you mean to go on with your website. If you are serious about growing your business, you need a website that works for you. When you start to get 1000s of Visitors a day that’s like employing a 1000 sales people! Think of your website like that and you should want to invest in it.

How I Make A Living Online

I make my living online, through Affiliate marketing and I have learnt everything I needed to know about building such a business through Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate is a comprehensive training platform for anyone wanting to either start an online business or build upon an existing one.
If you want to check it out for free with no credit card required click on the link below.
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Final Thoughts

So there you have it, some of the main ingredients you are going to need to have in order to develop an amazing website that ticks all of the boxes. If you make sure your site boasts everything that has been mentioned in this article, you will be well on your way to creating an amazing site that impresses for all of the right reasons. However, do remember that you will need to keep up to date with all of the latest trends in the world of web design and SEO because the Internet is a platform that is changing all of the time.
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As ever if you have any questions or want to share your own thoughts or experiences, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
With Grace and Gratitude
Please be aware that this post may contain affiliate links which means that if you click on one and then make a purchase, I will earn a commission but it will not cost you any more.
I hope that you have found this article helpful, and will use this advice to make sure that your business has everything it needs to succeed.
What You Need For A Great Website
Read My Post For Advice And Help No Matter What Kind Or Size Your Business Is

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