How To Get More Traffic On Your Website

The Question all business owners need to know is How to get more traffic on your website because the more visitors you can attract to your website, the more customers you are likely to persuade to buy your products or services.
This is why most companies tend to spend so much on their marketing and advertising!
However, if you are not sure where to start with your marketing campaign, or you don’t have a lot of time or money to spare, deciding on the best method is going to be tricky. Spending what you have and always reinvesting in Marketing is the best monetary approach to take any business forward. So that’s money sorted, what about time? On the one hand, you want to be able to monitor your progress but on the other, you don’t want to have to monitor it all the time. I am not a natural analyst, in fact I loathe it but it is good to know what’s working and why.
So, here are a couple of methods I use and you might like to try.
How To Get More Traffic On Your Website

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is still one of the most cost-efficient methods of advertising. As long as you choose the right keywords, you can automate your Google advertising campaign without too much worry. This means that you don’t have to check in on your progress constantly, though you should continue to keep an eye on the results. I also use Bing paid advertising but be careful to ensure that you have Set your ads up properly.
Of course, for any Google ad campaign to work well, you must also optimise your website for conversion. This means that you should make sure that your landing pages are aligned with your ad message and that the conversion funnel is clear and intuitive to navigate.
That sounds so geeky. So what this means in English is; If your ad says free chocolates then the page your ad goes to should allow them to get free chocolates without too much hassle. You might, just want their email address anyway. Obviously you will want them to buy chocolates too, so make sure their option to do this is obvious and tempting!
Money should be taken seriously so make sure you spend it well and it brings in more than it costs.

Social Advertising

Your social media presence or lack of one, will have a big impact on your business. Not only is this the perfect place to build a loyal customer following, some channels are also ideal for networking and growing your business. Just like making new friends, social media gives you a chance to bring your business’ personality to life and reach more people.
If you don’t have a lot of time to hone your social media presence, it is wise to schedule your organic posts as well as your ads. This means that you can spend an hour or two on one day and schedule posts for the whole week. However, you should continue to monitor your social feeds. It’s a good idea to respond quickly to messages or comments on your posts so keep your feeds idling in the background if you can.
I know many of us that were not born with Smart phones in our hands are terrified at the idea of putting ourselves out there but you are going to have to. I don’t personally use social media that much because I use Tailwind and Crowdfire to schedule most of it ahead of time. This means that I do not get distracted by the noise and affects social media can bring to our lives.


Keeping a blog is the cheapest marketing solution there is. All you need to do is add the feature to your website and you can start writing immediately. As with Google ads, it is well worth looking at the keywords that are relevant to your site and incorporating them into your text. This should help boost your SEO and you can link to your ads too.
Writing a blog is a good opportunity to show your expertise, capture your customers’ imaginations and provide useful information. You can share links through your social media and use the links for your Google ads as well.

How I Make A Living Online

I make my living online, through Affiliate marketing and I have learnt everything I needed to know about building such a business through Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate is a comprehensive training platform for anyone wanting to either start an online business or build upon an existing one.
If you want to check it out for free with no credit card required click on the link below.
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Final Thoughts

Combining a few marketing methods is always the best way to make the most of your content and ideas. However, do make sure that you tailor each post to the audience you are looking for and the platform you are posting to. Experiment, observe and edit as you go. It’s easier than you might think.
If you have found this post useful then please do me a favour and give it a share on your favourite social media platform. Sharing is Caring.
As ever if you have any questions or want to share your own thoughts or experiences, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
With Grace and Gratitude
Please be aware that this post may contain affiliate links which means that if you click on one and then make a purchase, I will earn a commission but it will not cost you any more.
I hope that you have found this article helpful, and will use this advice to make sure that your business has everything it needs to succeed.
How To Get More Traffic On Your Website

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